

"We at CIER were overwhelmingly impressed with the quality of your work and the timeliness of it as well. You have gone a long way towards helping us shape this challenging project."

B. Maclean, Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources, Feb. 13, 2009


"Freya Godard, who copy-edited the manuscript, deserves a word of thanks, too. Where my writing is clear, I have her to thank. Where it is not, I can't say she didn't warn me." 

Kyle Conway, author of Everyone Says No: Public Service Broadcasting and the Failure of Translation, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2011


"Meticulous copy editing by Freya Godard corrected many errrors and greatly improved the clarity of the text."

Philip Giles, author of Communicating in Geography and the Environmental Sciences, Oxford University Press (Canada), 2011


"The manuscript has benefited greatly from Freya Godard's painstaking copy-editing."

Marguerite Van Die, author of An Evangelical Mind, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1989


"Freya Godard, the manuscript editor, helped sharpen our often cumbersome prose; the book is certainly more readable as a result of her diligent review."

Claire Turenne Sjolander, Heather A. Smith, and Deborah Stienstra, academic editors of Feminist Perspectives on Canadian Foreign Policy, Oxford University Press, 2003


"We wish to thank . . .  Freya Godard, whose firm editorial hand saved us from multiple embarrassments."

C.M. Wallace and Ashley Thomson, volume editors of Sudbury: Rail Town to Regional Capital, Dundurn Press, 1993


"I must also thank Freya Godard for her numerous editorial revisions and suggestions for making the manuscript more easily understandable by the intended audience."

François-Pierre Gingras, academic editor of Gender Politics, Oxford University Press, 1995


"The editors are particularly grateful to Freya Godard, our Co-ordinating Editor. Freya's tasks went far beyond the editing of the manuscript; she provided sound advice at all stages of production. Moreover, not only did she co-ordinate the submissions of eighteen individuals, but she had to deal with the varying needs and opinions of three editors. All was performed admirably."

Roger Hall, William Westfall, and Laurel Sefton MacDowell, academic edtiors of Patterns of the Past: Interpreting Ontario's History, Dundurn Press, 1988